Hola my family and friends,
So we have some new peeps added to the “sent to” list so let me just breakdown the rules for you. If you don’t have a sense of humor……..just delete this email. If you have a weak stomach….go get a trash bag. If you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about just drop me a line and I’ll explain. I try not to speak in Marine Corps jargon but hey….I’m a Jarhead and that’s just how I roll. Besides living in the armpit of the world makes things come out a little harsh or indifferent. The ‘Stan’ changes your perspective on life and it can break your, ‘give a F__k’ rather easily. Mine isn’t completely broken (although I’m sure it sounds like it at times) but out here it is all about survival. And the most important thing in my life (out here) is making sure my Marines get home safe……they come before me!
So…..I can’t remember what I was running my suck about last time I wrote. In the last week I’ve had 3 shuras (meetings) with elders. The first one there was 15 +/-, I let them know I want to help them establish a ‘Council of Elders’ so we can bring some local government to the village. It would help legitimize the AFG gov’t and they would have a voice to the District Governor. They all agreed. ( I’ve used a leadership template that is very common to Afghan culture so it was easy….and it is nothing like what we have in the states). So we said we’d meet again in 3 days…..so three days goes by and only 5 elders show up for a meeting they didn’t know about! I was like, ‘what the heck?’ (But I didn’t say heck!) Well at the first meeting the translation came across to them as we would meet on day three. (The first meeting was on Saturday) So they didn’t count Sunday and thus the loss of translation. No big deal we had the shura on Wednesday (yesterday for me). I had 31 elders show up! The turnout was great….but they men were not ready to give me the names of the elders they had chosen….rrrrrgggghhhhh! They needed another week to get the word spread out etc etc. So, my patience and I said ok! And we talked specifics about the leadership positions and their significance etc etc. We also talked about their future, drugs and what they could expect from the Marines/ANBP and their government. Over all it was a good day. I even got to spot a bad guy elder that I’ve been looking for since we first got here. Can’t say more about that so don’t ask. There was a lot of other info we got but………nope can’t get into that either. So what I can say is that we are going to have a shura again next week to establish the ‘Council of Elders’. I tell you it’s pretty cool talking to a bunch of men that are old enough to be my grandfather and fought the Russians when they were here in the 70/80’s. It’s a good feeling helping them out.
Ok so some other things that I’ve had to contend with. We were coming back from a patrol a few days ago, with the ANBP integrated with us, (ANBP: Afghan National Boarder Police…….think of them as illiterate children with automatic weapons and RPGs trying to help their country. They are a hybrid of police and army………..in reality they retards that are poorly trained and well armed.) I had to stop the patrol twice and tell one to carry his rifle correctly. He tried my patience (and believe it or not I have a ton of it) so we stood there until he was done throwing his temper tantrum and then he carried his weapon correctly. The second one I had to tell to keep his finger straight and off the trigger….we’ve had three accidental discharges and one of them shot himself a few weeks ago. This guy was 2 people behind me and I didn’t feel like being shot in the back or the ass by this idiot. The coolest thing about these guys is that their leadership believes in Corporal punishment and they enforce it….publicly! A few weeks ago 2 of these guys were caught smoking hashish on post and another threatened an interpreter. The following morning, during their formation, they got an old fashioned ass woopin! We don’t do that in the Marines. But they are NOT Marines. It’s how they do it. Oh I’ve seen stranger or worse things….Hey Adam it reminded me of the Fontana High Slap! I wish I had my camera!
It’s been hot the past couple of weeks. Supposed to be over 100 degrees today. Noting like going out on patrol before the sun comes up and having 60 pounds of gear on you just to accomplish the mission. On the way back we get to cross the Camel, sheep, human, etc feces infested stream that comes up to my crotch. The water is cool and refreshing to have on your body….it’s just the smell of Sh!t and urine!!$$ you have to get over. But we are able to take showers right away to wash off. I saw 3 fish swimming in the water yesterday. We had the Bn. Chaplain with us that day and he suggested we do some fishing………I’m out for the brown trout that are in that water, if you know what I mean!
So the poppy is starting to bloom around the villages. Beautiful flower really. It just makes the worst drugs in the world! Soon the bad guys will come to pay for the crops. Got a plan for them too. I’ll tell you about it because it’s really not a secret and we are telling everyone about it: Capture or kill them. My platoons new I/O campaign is: you either helps us because if we find out you know something and you don’t tell us then you are conspiring with the TB. And if you are conspiring with the TB we are going to detain you or kill you. In reality we are not going to kill them (unless they try to kill us) but the intimidation technique works. The first time we used it a local took us to 2 IEDs that were less than a ¼ mile from our base. Hey do what you have to do to keep Marines safe and get results. As long as we are not physically harming people. That’s war…….and this is a Counter Insurgency War. The hardest kind you can fight.
So my Marines found 1500 pounds of Marijuana seed last week. Yeah it sounds like a lot but another platoon found 5000 pounds last month. Gonna put the squeeze on the compound owner and see where it takes us. There were only women there when it was found. They tossed the seed in the river to dispose of it. We find drugs on people often. We destroy it by burning it or tossing it in the river. Found an Opium Den last week with 3 guys in it stoned out of their minds. They were so trashed they couldn’t talk! Idiots I tell you.
So many of you have commented on how beautiful the children are….and you are right. But the little thieving bastards need to get an old fashioned ass whooping from where I stand. I know I know they just are just products of their environment. Well they sure do behave when their elders are around. Funny how when Dad, Uncle, or Grandfather is around the become the most well behaved kids you’ve seen here. But when they are not around some of the boys are downright nasty and angry if you don’t give them something. They smack the crap out of each other like it is cool but we can’t do that. Although I’ve wanted to a few times. One went for my rifle once…….NOT COOL at all. I hate to but stroke a kid but I will. They love the candy we give them. The boys will steal it from the girls so I make sure they get some when the boys are not around. It’s crazy at times I tell you.
So nothing too exciting really since the last time I wrote. Found some IEDs…..blew them up. Just another day in the Stan. Oh shoot we had steaks for dinner a few nights ago! Holly Shit was it awesome! Even had cold sodas to go with it. Battalion came through for us that night. Even last night we had burgers and chicken…..like cooked on the bbq and all! This time we had buns, lettuce, tomato, little bit of onion and tapioca for dessert! Freaking fantastic! If I haven’t told you we eat the same crap for breakfast every day! Well I switch it up and eat oatmeal or cereal some days, especially if I’m on a day patrol. For dinner we have 2 of now 6 different meals. And they are all premade, just heat and serve. It is crap but when you are hungry you’ll eat anything. Some things I just cannot eat anymore. I just go hungry or have some Top Ramen. But finally we have a giant ice box to keep the drinks cold so I get a cold drink almost every night. I had Pepsi with my Apple Juice last night to celebrate St. Patty’s day (ask Mom if you are not tracking what I’m saying). Today is an Administrative day for me (I don’t have to patrol today) so I have other work to get done. My Marines are out on patrol though…they go out every day. They are the real heroes out here….not me. Toughest SOBs I’ve ever met. I’m safe because of them just so you know.
Ok well my fingers are tired. And really the past week hasn’t been too exciting. Never routine but not all ‘Hollywood’. And I’m good with that.
Hey when you get a chance pass this to others in the family or friends who care to write back. I’d like your feedback when I write. It’s good to know that you are understanding what I’m doing….why and how your tax dollars are paying for this war. And why we are here. Some people are just lost about us being here….and we have to remind the people. Remember….the enemy came and killed 2751 Americans in one day using Airplanes they hijacked with box cutters and plastic knives. All because of the American way of life. These are the same people we helped fight the Russians in the 70’s & 80’s. They were once our allies and we trained them on how to make the bombs they are using against us. Personally I think this all comes back to pork products. Hey if I couldn’t eat bacon or have some ribs I’d be pissed to! And if women had to be covered from head to toe I’d have issues! Just my two cents.
“Freedom isn’t free……………….”
Semper Fi,
Friday, March 19, 2010
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